A sequel to Tohru Fujisawa's GTO: The Early Years (Shonan Junai-gumi) called "Shonan Seven" is announced in the December issue of Month Shonen Champion.
The new series is illustrated by Shinsuke Takahashi (Duel Masters Rev.)and is written by Tohru Fujisawa. This new series will premiere in the February issue of the magazine set to be released on January 6.
For those who are living under the rock, GTO: The Early Years is the prequel to the GTO manga and follows Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma's adventures when they were younger.
[Source: Anime News Network]
The new series is illustrated by Shinsuke Takahashi (Duel Masters Rev.)and is written by Tohru Fujisawa. This new series will premiere in the February issue of the magazine set to be released on January 6.
For those who are living under the rock, GTO: The Early Years is the prequel to the GTO manga and follows Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma's adventures when they were younger.
[Source: Anime News Network]