Monday 14 October 2013

Ninja Sentai Kakuranger 27 – The Shinobi Scroll Quest III: Kappa Edition

Well this is fun.

The search for the Shinobi Scrolls continues and this time, it is time for Seikai and Saizou to look for it. To make this quest interesting, a Yokai named Nue arrives and transforms the duo into Kappa. But not just any Kappa, the lowest of the low kind of Kappa, a Krappa!

After two serious episodes involving the quest of the Shinobi Scrolls, this episode is kinda light-hearted. It is kinda light-hearted in a sense that there's at least a serious part in the episode. But before talking about that serious part, let's first talk about the light-hearted bits in this episode. First is the fact that it's only Saizou and Seikai and who are traveling to together in search for the scrolls. The opening scene feels like the two went on a fun road trip and not on a life changing adventure. I hated it at first, but it later made sense when it turns out that their scrolls are in a single area.

Next is Nue's first appearance in the episode. Even though he is one scary villain, the way they introduced him felt like he is one of those bad filler villains. I mean, the way Junior describes him while one of the foot soldiers is holding a picture of Nue gave me that kind of impression. But when he finally made his first appearance, it feels like he is more like a mid-season boss and not a monster of the week that will die at the end of this episode. He is one great monster that he turned our heroes into the lowest kind of Kappa, Krappa!

The Kappa transformation scene is really well done, grated there are parts that the prosthetics is noticeable, but at least the transformation sequence looks great and that's what matters to me anyway. This is when the episode starts to get serious, aside that they need water to survive, for them to revert back to normal is that they need to kill the other Kappa. It's the only dark part of the episode but they executed it really well. I mean seriously, they hesitated at first but as the transformation continues and that people are making fun at them, they started to have thoughts of killing the other, leading to one heck of a scene.

As for the scene itself, it's really good and made me forget the comedy bits related to their Kappa transformation earlier because we are now dealing some serious stuff right here. Will the two kill each other just to retain their humanity or will die together as the worse Kappa? Considering that killing can basically make you realize that you are a monster of a different kind, I guess it's better to that a crappy Kappa then if that's the case... and that's what the two decided. Since they will transform into a Kappa anyway, they decided to fight till the end.

The fight of the duo against Nue is really great. Granted, Nue is stronger than them, but seeing their determination to defeat him is what makes the fight scene really great. Heck, even the foot soldiers are supporting them in this one, which I can understand since Saizou and Seikai are now the ultimate underdog in this fight after they are turned into Krappa by the Nue. Even if that's the case, they keep on fighting till the very end even if it is futile. Because of their determination, the foot soldiers helped these two by watering their heads so that they can keep on fighting.

Now stronger than before, they managed to defeat Nue and in the process, destroy the part of his body that transformed them into a Kappa. One thing I noticed in this scene is that Prince Junior didn't interfere in the fight; he is just there watching it all happen. I am not sure if he is observing what is happening or is delighted with the fact that Nue was defeated by the Kakurangers. Considering how he looked during the scenes where we see the foot soldiers showing their support, I guess he is with the Kakurangers in this one.

Now that they are back to normal, it's time for the giant battle. What makes the giant battle interesting is that Nue is the one who defeated Muteki Shogun. By defeated, I mean our heroes just presumed that he died. So yeah, they are screwed right now. But never fear their determination to fight made their Shinobi Scrolls fly towards them! The God Rougan and the God Kumado looks really amazing, and just like God Kark, these two are also sentient beings that can talk.

As for their debut fight, it's kinda interesting in a sense that they are the ones who defeated Nue at the end and not Super Muteki Shogun's finisher. More on the way they defeated Nue, it feels kinda underwhelming since God Kumado just stomps the ground and create a crack to bury Nue and close it. It's not really intense or anything, but what the heck, the way they animated God Kumado and God Rougan is really amazing that I kinda ignored how bad he was defeated. The episode ends and the only one who doesn't have his scroll is Jiraiya. What will happen in his quest for the last Shinobi Scroll?