Monday 14 October 2013

Game Freak's Masuda: Pokémon Games Will Not Have DLC

Game Freak director Junichi Masuda revealed in an interview with VG247 that the Pokémon games will not have downloadable content (DLC) in any form.

And I quote:

We like the idea that through Pokémon people can make conversation or you can become friends and that Pokémon can be a safe environment for that. In terms of DLC specifically, I don't know what shape DLC can take in the future. But at the moment I don't feel it's a safe enough mode – so to speak – appropriate for Pokémon.

There's no download content or microtransaction content developed specifically for Pokémon X & Y. We've not come up with any ideas on that yet. I like the idea that Pokémon can be enjoyed with just one piece of software. You buy the game and it can be enjoyed just with that one software that you buy. That’s a key point for Game Freak.

The latest Pokémon game, Pokémon X and Y was released worldwide last October 12 in both retail and via the Nintendo eShop.

[Source: Gamnesia]