Wednesday 2 October 2013

Digimon Singer Kouji Wada Now Back After Cancer Treatment

After 2 years, singer Kouji Wada announced that he is now back after years spent in cancer treatment! He is best known for singing themes for the Digimon anime franchise.

It has been exactly 2 years since Wada announced that he will put his singing career on hold to focus more on his cancer treatment. A decade ago, a malignant tumor was discovered on his upper pharynx and a lymph node on his neck.

He was able to treat the tumor with chemotherapy and surgery and was told that he had recovered completely. However, he felt a change in his health two years ago, and an examination at a hospital confirmed that the cancer had metastasized or spread to another location.

From all of us here, congratulations!

[Source: Anime News Network]