Friday 5 April 2013

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 22 – Joseph vs. Wham 2

It's Joseph vs. Wham, part 2 but this time around, both combatants are prepared for this event! Who will win in this no-holds barred chariot death match? Is it New York and Great Britain's finest, Joseph Joestar or the ancient warrior, Wham! Now folks, time to place your bets! Wait a minute...

If there is one story arc in the original manga that put me at the edge of my seat when it comes to action, it would be this one. For starters, when I read this story arc, I can't help but awe with the artwork and Joseph's witty plans. Seeing it animated for the first time added additional life to the very lively chariot death match. Granted, there are some minor problems when it comes to animation in this episode as we have bad look frames from time to time, but hey, it is part of the enjoyment of this match.

The chariot match is more of the battle of the brains and less of the strength as the match feels like who can outwit who or who can think ahead before the enemy thinks of it first. I love these kinds of matches especially if it has some applied punching and kicking in it. It's so intense that I can't describe it frame by frame; you must watch it for you to better appreciate it. But to those who are wondering how this match feels like, it is basically a horse racing match with super powered human beings trying to beat the crap of each other. Yep, it's like every final lap of Part VII: Steel Ball Run's Steel Ball Run race less the holy corpse parts, Stands, conspiracy theories, lesser steel balls and most especially, no Gyro (sad).

Aside from the actual match, one thing that I like about this episode is Cars. You can see in his face that he is so confident that Wham will definitely win at the end. Even if Wham is in his state of shock thanks to one attack that Joseph pulled off, he is confident that he can get out of that state and continue with the match... which he did. But there are some instances that his confidence that Wham can pulled this off get the better of him because from time to time, we see his surprised look in his face every time Joseph pulled another trick from his sleeve.

Speaking of tricks, one of those tricks caused Wham to gouge his eyes out, and one of those tricks forced Wham to do some crazy rocket punch move to pin Joseph in a corner! To put it simply, Joseph is one warrior that forced Wham to go completely all out that at the end, he used his Final Mode, dubbed the Perfect Storm. Can Joseph escape from this predicament or will this be the end of Joseph Joestar?