Friday 5 April 2013

Bakuman S3 24 – How it Should Be & How it Ends

Now that Mashiro and Azuki are just a step closer towards their dream, the only problem left is with Reversi. Now that the chief editor is aware about Ashirogi's plan to end the series before the anime begins, can he understand their desire to create a masterpiece?

Since Mashiro and Azuki's dreams are now within their grasp, guess the only thing that is left is the execution. What's funny about it is that Mashiro still sucks when it comes to talking to his girlfriend, that instead of proposing like what Takagi expect him to do, he ended up saying that he will pick her up once Naho's lines in the anime were said, which was later revised once the first episode is over. Oh well, at least Mashiro might have a proper chance to propose marriage since they are not talking on the phone!

Now that we are done with the Azuki side plot in this episode, let's talk about Reversi. Hattori is quite admirable in this episode as he tries his best to stand up for his authors and not side with the chief editor's wish to extend the series for one year. Hattori indeed understands Ashirogi better than the other editors as he only wished them to create a masterpiece, and not just another cash cow series for the company. At the end, Hattori finally convinced the chief editor to let Ashirogi end Reversi in 8 chapters. As for the anime studio, they actually liked the decision, because they know how they can they make an anime that is faithful to the original source material, and that's all that matters. Seriously, I hate it when anime studios create pointless filler story arcs.

The best part of the episode is definitely the final chapters of Reversi. One thing that disappoint me is that we don't have the chance to read the earlier chapters, the only thing we got are the fans reading it and their reactions about how the fight between Black and White is becoming more intense every week. The only pages of Reversi that we saw in the episode is from the final chapter, and boy, it looks really good. What's ironic about it is that the original authors of Bakuman, Ohba and Obata are bad when it comes to ending their manga. I mean, the final chapter of Death Note is one bad epilogue scene, and the final chapter of Bakuman is not a satisfying conclusion. Hopefully, the final episode of this series can fix it, like the way how the anime fixed Death Note's finale.

So at the end, this Ashirogi created a masterpiece? The answer is yes, aside that it sold over 1.22 million copies and that it made fans think how the final chapter ended, the last two volumes of the manga were sold out in bookstores! This is how fans supported Ashirogi, they don't support them because of some childhood romance, but because they love their work, and their fan mail proves it. Even though Reversi ended, Ashirogi will still create a new work that will surpass their previous work and the work of their rivals. As for this new work, guess we have to wait and see at the end! But hey, they still have PCP!