Friday 1 February 2013

Kamen Rider 555 02 – The Belt's Power

Those lines. Glorious.

Mari keeps on tailing Takumi because he is the only one who can use the belt. As for Takumi, he only wants his bag and will leave if he sees the perfect opportunity to leave. As for Yuji, he is confused that for the first time, he killed a man.

Just like the previous episode, the presentation of this episode is not linear as it shifts to Yuji then Takumi and so on and so forth. Thus, I will review this episode the same way I did it last week. In this case, it's Takumi then Yuji. Mari's constant tailing on Takumi made us discover a couple of things about this guy; his tongue is too sensitive that he can't drink hot drinks. Second is that he doesn't care about the belt and how the heck he can transform into Faiz without receiving an Error message. Lastly, he doesn't have any dreams. For a superhero, he is already setting a really bad example to the kids who will look up to him.

Finally, he found his bag thanks to the cops and the audience now knows that his name is Takumi Inui, so what's next? Of course, Mari will continue to follow the guy until he has no option but to let Mari follow him around! This leads us to more fighting between these two. Seriously, their squabble is so childish that it is fun to watch it until the end, Takumi threw Mari's bag. Even if that is the case, we saw one of Takumi's good qualities; he actually cares for other people even though he doesn't act like one.

Now that they got Mari's bag, it is time for them to leave but as it turns out, the bag that Takumi threw is his own bag and Mari's bag is stolen by someone! With a little searching, they learned that someone sold it in a pawn shop! Thus, they have no choice but to buy it back. The next scene is basically Mari giving kids a proper haircut just to earn money. The scene is quite cute, I mean, watching Takumi chase a couple of kids so that they can have their haircut while Mari is doing her job? It's kinda cute that for once, the cold and "insensitive" Takumi is doing something that he is not expected to do.

At the end, they have enough money to buy the belt and Takumi used this opportunity to leave since his responsibility in regards to the belt is already over. That's what he thought. As for Mari, she continues her trip to Tokyo, only to be attacked by a monster. Before she can do a second attempt to transform into Faiz, she discovers that once again, Takumi got the wrong bag! Is it me, or it feels like the writer is trying to tell us that Takumi is "destined" to be Faiz? Or is he telling us that Takumi needs to put a special tag on his bag so that it will not mix up with Mari's bag?

Speaking of Takumi, similar to what happened earlier, he decided to help Mari. And yes, he gets one epic entrance this time and he did it with style as he rammed his bike onto the monster before grabbing the belt and transform into Faiz! Aside that Takumi did the transformation pose as seen in the instruction sticker (yep, the briefcase has it); we continue to see his rough and evolving fight style. Just like the previous episode, Mari helped Takumi get out of this mess by attaching a pointer in his leg and hide inside a nearby car.

As for Takumi, he has no idea what he will do next because, well... Mari is inside the car while the monster is ramming it a couple of times. Thankfully, Mari screamed the instruction to press the phone's Enter button. Since he has a freaking laser pointer in his leg, its job is to basically set a direction for Faiz's Rider Kick. Faiz's Rider Kick is probably, one of my favorite Rider Kicks in the franchise. It has this feeling that the Rider is seriously based on technology as it needs a pointer so that it can properly target an opponent and that it needs to charge its energy for it to work. Did I mention it has this cool landing image and that the Greek letter phi appears once the kick is successful? Now that we are done with the monster, let's go back to Yuji.

Yuji's depression continues and to add it up, he killed a man with his own hands. This is when he committed suicide... only to live at the end. As it turns out that he is not anymore human, you can even say that he evolved from being a human into a creature known as an Orphenoch. Supporting these creatures is the Smart Brain organization, the same organization that made the Faiz Belt and the other two belts we saw in the first episode. If this organization is supporting Orphenochs, then why the heck these belts have the ability to kill Orphenochs? Hopefully, they can explain it in later episodes.

We are then introduced to the Smart Lady, and that her job is to help those Orphenochs to find a place to live and briefed Yuji about his new life as an Orphenoch. Her speech pattern is quite similar to those kindergarten teachers and for some reason, I find it kinda cute. Later in the episode, Yuji had a meeting with her ex-girlfriend who is much to my surprise, quite hysterical because of the cops following her. That at the end, she snapped and just point out that Yuji killed his boyfriend in front of the cops, even though his dead boyfriend didn't tell him of a possible suspect.

Yuji finally snapped back to reality as he finally realized that he can never return to the past and the only thing that he is doing right now is chasing it. For some reason, I love the scene where he chases an after image of one of his bike dates with Chie. It's a symbolism that tells us that he cannot return to the past or even chase it. That he should focus on the present, and that is, his ex-girlfriend is quite crazy and that he is now a "monster", no, more like he is beyond human right now, an evolved human known as Orphenoch. Using his new found powers, he killed Chie with his very own hands, ending the episode as he is fetched by the Smart Lady.