The first promo for Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V premiered in this year's Jump Festa event. The series will feature a new protagonist named Yuuya and is billed as "the curtains rise on a Duel revolution!!"
The series is about Yuuya Sakaki who has been trying to escape the harsh reality by smiling. But one duel leads him to make a determination to confront the difficulties and he will get the power of infinite possibilities.
The main theme of the series is "take a step forward with courage". The series premieres in Spring 2014 replacing Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal on TV Tokyo.
The series is about Yuuya Sakaki who has been trying to escape the harsh reality by smiling. But one duel leads him to make a determination to confront the difficulties and he will get the power of infinite possibilities.
The main theme of the series is "take a step forward with courage". The series premieres in Spring 2014 replacing Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal on TV Tokyo.