Thursday 4 April 2013

Tensou Sentai Goseiger 12 – Miracle Gosei Headder, Assemble!

Also, the debut of this guy.

Mohth Drekk and Dareptor finally set foot on Earth together to execute their plan to hurl a planetoid to our planet, causing its destruction. Thus, our heroes try to stop them, only for them to realize how weak they are, and forgetting what is more important. Can the Goseigers realize what this important thing is?

This episode is basically Hyde's episode, less the tragic back story, featuring a bigger threat and to top it all off, a new mecha formation. Even if the idea of the episode feels recycled, they were able to execute it in a manner that it doesn't feel recycled. The only time you will notice the recycled idea is when you watched it for at least two or three times.

Now for the actual episode, the episode started in an interesting manner, as it began in the enemy base. The only thing worth mentioning in this scene is that we have a back story on how Dareptor became Mohth Drekk's right hand man. As for our heroes, they are celebrating because Datas is also useful in battle as seen in the previous episode, before we are cut to Mohth Drekk and Dareptor's walking in our planet because they need to prepare for a ceremony, which will destroy our planet. What's interesting about the preparation for the ceremony is that Dareptor destroyed key areas in the city, creating a circle that they will use later in the episode. It's interesting because for a high tech alien race, they resort to some mystical mumbo jumbo to destroy Earth.

Because of this, our heroes tried their best to stop them, only to fail at the end. The fight in this scene is really good, and I just love how they incorporate some stuff in the previous episodes, like Alata's pull over when he faced Dareptor in this episode. To make this scene sweeter, it's Dareptor who is winning in this one! This scene showed us that Alata needs to grow more as a warrior if he wants to beat tougher foes. Because of they are insulted for how weak they are we saw one instance of our heroes running towards an enemy filled with rage.

It's one of those rare moments in this series that we actually see angry heroes since for most of the time, their rage is something that they don't show. You can only just feel it. Thus, they use their strongest Invocations, only for them not to work for some unknown reason. To make matters a bit worse for them, Master Head interfered with their fight with Mohth Drekk and Dareptor by blowing them back to the Amachi Observatory! But he has a reason why he interfered; he noticed a spike in their adrenaline, which is bad thing for our heroes. To put it simply, being too emotional blinded our heroes to their supposed duty as angels.

While the ceremony is happening, the Goseigers are trying to remember what their duty is and why they can't use their powers. This is when they realized something, they are not fighting for their own sakes, but they are fighting for the Earth, to be more specific, with the Earth. The Earth is giving them the power to fight those who harmed it, making them realize that they are just stewards who are merely borrowing its power. I like this kind of power concept; it makes the heroes more "human", and made Guardian Angel concept of the series more grounded.

With a renewed sense of responsibility, our heroes once again face Mohth Drekk and Dareptor, and stop the ceremony. The ceremony stopping scene is really fantastic, as well as the duel between GoseiRed and Dareptor. To make this scene more epic, we have a barrage of elemental attacks coming from the five Goseigers! The scene looks so cool, and to top it all off, the background music made the scene more epic. At the end, Dareptor is defeated and we now proceed to the giant battle.

The giant battle is really fantastic, what makes it great is that Datas Hyper made its debut last episode, but we see it getting beaten up by Dareptor! In short, this sentient mecha is not really that strong. It can fight, but it tries its best to be in par with the strength of GoseiGreat in battle, making Datas a bit more admirable as a warrior. What's more admirable are the Headders, they also want to help our heroes defeat Dareptor! Even though we barely hear them talk, you can actually feel their intention to help because when they arrived from the Guardian Realm, the first thing they did is attack Dareptor before forming Hyper GoseiGreat!

The Hyper GoseiGreat formation is looks good for a mecha formation with a lot of heads because they organized its appearance. My complaint about this mecha aside from the number of heads is that this mecha formation debut feels a tad too early. I mean seriously, putting the word "hyper" in its name made this mecha formation look and feel like that this formation is the final mecha formation this series has... and this is the show's 12th episode! With that in mind, I can expect that the series' official final mecha formation will be a stacking of all of the Gosei Headders, and it will look too horrible that I will just ignore its existence.

As for its finisher, it's basically a barrage of all Headders, to put it simply, there is nothing special or worth talking about it because that kind of finisher is something predictable for a robot with 14 robot heads, not including the main head. At the end, our heroes defeated Dareptor but this is not yet the end of the battle of our heroes as Mohth Drekk is still alive, as well as Bladerun.