Wednesday 3 April 2013

Bakuman S3 23 – Mic and Script

Now that everybody knows that Mashiro's girlfriend is Azuki and that their love is pure, it seems that everything is going their way that is until we learned the live audition for Reversi's heroine. Can Azuki prove to the masses that she got what it takes to play Reversi's heroine?

The live audition is probably, one of the smartest moves Reversi's director ever pulled in this series. For starters, if Azuki passed the auditions for the role in front of the staff of the anime, the public's opinion about it might be divided. It means that Azuki won not because of skill, but because she is the girlfriend of one of the creators of the manga. The idea sounds a bit drastic since Reversi might not get the heroine it deserves to have thanks to popular vote, but I guess it is up for the masses to decide if they have the taste when it comes to thinking who the better voice actress is.

The actual audition scene is really well made; it shows us the tension and the doubt of Azuki's fellow voice actresses that she will win because she is Mashiro's girlfriend. Come on, people will vote who will win, not the staff! The performances of Azuki’s rivals are worth listening, less the older voice actress. But because this episode is obviously about Azuki, we only get a few lines from them, just for us to get the general idea on how they act.

Azuki's performance sends shivers to your spine due to the intensity of the emotions she poured in every scene. The use of the manga panel as her background also showed us what Mashiro imagined Naho to sound like. But the biggest surprise in Azuki's performance is her last line, which kinda sounds like a line that the demon in the said manga series should say. Ignoring that fact, this is when you really feel that Azuki can sound scary and intimidating at the same time, something that the character she is supposed to portray should sound like.

But that's not all, Azuki is quite dedicated to the role that she even memorized the lines coming from the manga and not the actual script, which contained an error, which was fixed later after Azuki's performance and after the Shonen Jack editorial team made some clarifications. At the end, is the performance worthy for Azuki to win the role? The answer is a stunning win via TV and online votes, something I didn't expect to see happen because of the popularity vote factor the audition has, and the earlier scenes in this episode pointed out that she is not that popular to the fans! Now that Mashiro and Azuki are now a step closer to their dreams, what's next for the two of them?