Tuesday 5 March 2013

Goo Research Poll: Top 20 Reasons to Go Out with Otaku Males According to Women

Goo research polled 1,072 Japanese women for their top 20 reasons to go out with otaku males. The poll was conducted last Janaury 2013 and here are the results.

1. Always Faithful (100)
2. Knowledgeable of IT stuff (93.4)
3. Down to earth and not flashy (83.6)
4. Less likely to waste money on drinking, high brand or gambling (83.1)
5. Potential to shine if gets polished (73.7)

6. Their shyness is cute (71.4)
7. Not desperate for female attention (67.6)
8. Knowledgeable about many things (63.4)
9. Understanding of Otaku hobby (45.1)
9. Particular and have their way of doing thngs (45.1)
11. No smothering since they are busy with their hobby (39.9)
11. Look very lively when it comes to their hobby (39.9)
13. Logical and speak with perspective (37.1)
13. Able to show their world that others are not aware of (37.1)
15. Social circle is not too big (35.7)
16. Easy to take the lead of the relationship due to lack of experience (32.9)
17. Not much baggage and trauma from past relationships due to lack of experience (30.5)
18. Resourceful with topics of conversation (30.0)
19. Able to dress them up in any way since they have no preference (24.4)
20. No complaints when spending money on hobby (23.9)

Source: Crunchyroll News