Tuesday 5 March 2013

Bakuman S3 21 – Anime Dreams

After their short New Year's break, Ashirogi made a lot of ideas for Reversi. Aside from that, we learned that the editorial department is choosing between Zombie Gun and Reversi about which manga will have an anime adaptation in the fall slot.

This is yet another interesting episode and considering that the fall slot is where most mainstream anime titles debut, a perfect example would be Masashi Kisihimoto's Naruto, it is kinda obvious that they need to pic the current hits that Shonen Jack has to offer since CROW is about to end this summer. But because Ashirogi wants to make a masterpiece and not drag the series for a long time, Hattori considered it and thus, asked the duo about it.

After Hattori revealed the plans for a possible Reversi anime, the duo is excited about it only to reveal the fact that it is likely the manga will end before the anime begins. Considering that this is the likely scenario, and considering that it is bad for both parties to adapt a finished manga title, guess it is expected that Takagi will once again, and force the idea of making the manga longer. This again leads to the debate about quantity over quality, which ends with something I didn't expect, Hattori finally learning Mashiro's dream of marrying Miho.

The way Hattori received it is something that I find admirable, he understands that this is one of those dreams you can consider worth fulfilling and thus, he decides that Reversi must have an anime. Everything seems to be smooth sailing that is until we learned that Niizuma actually created original storyboards for the possible Zombie Gun anime. Considering their reaction about the quality, these storyboards are more than just glorified filler episodes, but something you can consider as part of the main Zombie Gun universe without it disrupting the flow of the story.

Because of this situation, the current chief editor is on a dilemma, which manga series will have an anime adaptation. It didn't help that the editors of both manga are pushing the fact that the decision of the chief editor is basically a declaration on which series is Jack's flagship series! After Hattori told Ashirogi the current situation, which leads to depression, the next day, Hattori returns and will tell us the chief editor's decision but they decided to leave us hanging. Dang it, I want to know what happens next!