Wednesday 6 February 2013

Gekisou Sentai Carranger 14 – Of Lightning & Eels

Also, new opening sequence!

In this episode, Zelmoda wants to break the speed barrier for him to fulfill the Crackaboom Legend! Accordingly, once you break the speed barrier, the one who breaks it will receive great power! Problem is, part of breaking the speed barrier attracts lightning... and Zelmoda is scared of it, same with Green Racer!

Unlike the previous two episodes that is Signalman centric; Signalman lies low in this one as he acts more of a support character rather than the main character like he claimed in one episode preview. So who is the start of this episode? Obviously, it's Green Racer and Zelmoda! Aside that we learned that Minoru (Green Racer to those who forgot) has a sideline of selling obviously defective products, we also learned more about there are other space legends aside from the ridiculous car constellations that we had in the first episode. This legend is the Crackaboom Legend, and Zelmoda is desperate to fulfill it.

Seeing Zelmoda's determination to fulfill it is something that I really liked. What's more, he is about to pull it off only to chicken out in the end because of his fear of lightning. Speaking of lightning, Minoru is also scared of it! For starters, this is the perfect opportunity for Signalman to capture Zelmoda but nope, Minoru's fear of lightning disabled Signalman because he keeps on clinging on the guy! Minoru must explain how the heck he acquired this fear!

The reason behind Minoru and Zelmoda's fear of lightning is simple, they got hit by it. In Minoru's case, he is just fishing some eels and before he has the chance to bring it home, lightning struck him... and lived. Wow, as far as I know, most people die once they got hit by lightning. I guess Minoru's body is quite special that is why he lived after the shock! As for Zelmoda, it is just him basically teasing the lightning clouds that he is not afraid of it. So yeah, nature decided to have revenge on him! Comparing the two "origin" stories, I prefer Minoru's story because he is just a regular kid fishing some eels, and the fact that lighting just hit him for no reason? Heck, I will be scared if that will happen to me!

We also learned the closeness between Gynamo and Zelmoda that at one point of the episode, we learned that Zelmoda thinks that he is not a partner good enough for Gynamo. Even though they are the bad guys in this series, I love the genuine friendship between these two. It is because of this friendship that Gynamo is willing to ride for his friend, but nope, Zelmoda must prove to himself that he can be a better partner for Gynamo, and thus, he begins his second attempt to fulfill the Crackaboom Legend.

At the end, he succeeded but instead of seeing him have a new form or receive some upgrades like how it was illustrated in this episode, he only received a new partner named Elekinda and a new bike. Since Elekinda's bike has the positive sign, Zelmoda's bike has the negative sign. To put it simply, their attacks are quite similar to how lighting is created in simpler terms. But since Green Racer is afraid of lightning, and he is more of a nuisance in battle, Dapp devised a plan for him to lose this fear.

Dapp's plan is what you can say a jerk will do. Though his intentions are noble, the way he execute it feels like he is a jerk and not a helpful mentor. What I mean is that, who in the right mind will let a guy touch electric eels without warning him?! Since this one failed, Dapp proceed to plan B, let Minoru eat electric eels. The first thing that bothered me is how the heck they killed the electric eels? But screw it, they just showed us that they are broiling electric eels! If there is one thing that I learned in this scene is that Minoru is one simpleton. I mean, after eating the eel, he suddenly overcome his fear of lightning?!

Now that he doesn't fear lightning, he is now powered up and with this new power; he easily defeated Zelmoda and Elekinda! I can't believe that a plan so stupid worked wonders in this episode. After the giant battle, which I find fun since for the first time, Sirender and RV Robo teamed up to beat a MOTW, Minoru decided to treat his friends with eel now that he overcame his fear of lightning. But first, he must pay the electric eels he ate that Dapp bought! Speaking of Dapp, he ran away. Oh, Dapp you lovable alien jerk~!