Monday 4 February 2013

Gekisou Sentai Carranger 11 – Yoko's Weight Problem

Nah, she is wearing too much clothes that is why she looks fat.

Yoko wants to look good in a new swimsuit and so, she begins her weight lost training... only to receive a lot of comments that she is fat. It didn't help that she is not losing any weight after doing a couple of exercise regimes! Can she really lose weight at the end of this episode?

This episode is all about Yoko, a girl who likes sweets and just wants to lose weight just for her to look good in a swimsuit. Speaking of which, she is also quite delusional as she thinks that wearing a swimsuit can change the entire course of her life! Oh well, she is still a girl and she has every right to delude herself with her fantasies of becoming popular and might end up marrying a rich guy. But her delusions ended when Bowzock attacked the city... by changing the numbers of some objects. Though his plan is kinda simple, but it seriously worked wonders because kids want to buy 200 cakes with their allowance and that shoppers are busy shopping fruits because it is so cheap!

The Carrangers' first encounter with the MOTW is not that interesting, until Yoko ends up landing on the MOTW, only to be called a pig by him. Aside from that, we learned that the device he is using for switching numbers needs to be charged so that it can work properly. Lucky enough, it ran out of power, making this a perfect opportunity to defeat the guy. But it is wasted thanks to Yoko's female rage. Oh women and your sensitivity in terms of being called fat~! Because of her rage, the MOTW escaped and probably charging his weapon back in the base.

As for Yoko, she is trying her best to calm down that is until some TV show talked about the fashion sense of the Carranger suits, and when they are talking about Pink's suit, one of them commented that her cheeks are getting plumier. Until now, I still don't get how the heck he figured out that Yoko is getting fatter just by looking on the helmet, but what the heck, this is Carranger and the word called "logic" rarely exist in this show!

This leads us to a montage of Yoko's weight lost training. The only thing missing in this video is some cheesy 80's music used in training sequences in those Rocky films and Karate Kid films! Even with all the hard work, she ended up stuck with the same weight and didn't lose 2 kilos like what she wanted. To be honest, I still don't understand women on why they are being mindful with their weight, which is why I still don't get why Yoko is upset about her weight. But what I don't understand is why the heck Yoko still didn't faint because of fatigue. I mean, she is exercising non-stop even during work!

The only time we see the effects of over training is while her teammates are busy trying to stop a bus, which was affected by the MOTW's attack, Yoko can't reach her Accel Brace and can't transform as a result. Granted, it has something to do with wearing too much clothes, but this scene also showed us that her body is aching because of exercising. At the end, she is back in their base and witnesses her teammates getting beaten up by the MOTW, which now have some battery upgrades.

Instead of realizing that her teammates need her help badly, she realized that the MOTW must have messed up her scale! I am not sure how the heck she concluded that one, but we never saw the MOTW change the scale's numbers in one scene! Granted, he can do it outside the camera or during the commercial break but how the heck she made that kind of conclusion? Oh well, she is just a girl who wants to blame someone because she didn't lose any weight!

Now with a renewed resolve to fight, she faces the MOTW. Pink Racer's fight with the MOTW is fun to watch because for one thing, the MOTW is not aware about the scales and second, it is just Pink Racer dominating in the battle. For once, a woman's rage forced an MOTW to grown big and that is something. The giant battle in this episode is seriously weird, and I like this kind of weirdness. The giant battle is basically the MOTW using number shapes to form weapons based on the number. But at the end, a woman's rage defeats the MOTW... and a bad use of number 3 in terms of weaponry. Seriously, a curl of a baby's ear?

At the end, Yoko checks the scale only to discover that her weight is still the same, but thanks to the compliments of her teammates, she is now back to normal! By back to normal, I mean, she will do what all growing girls do best, eat more sweets! So what is the traffic lesson we learned in this episode kids? The lesson that we learned is that never mess with a woman having weight problems. Oh, and next episode marks the debut of Signalman, the new protagonist of this series! Wait a minute...