Saturday 2 February 2013

Bakuman S3 14 – Ending & Determination

Niizuma's CROW is number 1 for weeks now and Ashirogi thought that it has something to do inspire them to work hard for their manga. As for Niizuma, it has something to do with cancelling the manga he hates. What is this manga, is it +NATURAL that is slowly declining in terms of rankings or something else?

Before talking about the actual episode, this episode marked the debut of the new opening and ending themes. The new opening and ending themes are fine, especially the ending theme, which is performed by JAM Project. So yeah, the new stuff is fine in my opinion. As for the content of the actual episode, it is seriously interesting. For starters, this episode pointed out the possibility of +NATURAL ending in Niizuma's hands because the series is becoming boring lately because it is repeative aka the shonen syndrome.

To those who don't know what the heck that syndrome is, it is basically: enemy arrives, hero fights the enemy and win and finally, wash, rinse and repeat. So when the power-up comes in, in a shonen manga? Once the hero faces a threat stronger than him and it will force the hero to do something to make him stronger... unless if it is a toyetic series and the sponsors will force the writers to introduce a new toy in this specific date! Now that I am done orienting you guys about it, and Niizuma hates reading boring manga or manga that didn't show the full potential of the author, it is obvious that he will choose +NATURAL.

Speaking of his request, much to the editorial department's surprise, the chief editor approved it and part of his condition is for Niizuma to be in first place for 10 consecutive weeks so that he can earn the right to end a manga, but which manga? Thanks to Team Fukuda + Iwase, we learned that Niizuma wants to end CROW! Niizuma's decision to end his own series is quite surprising since it is his manga after all.

Niizuma's explanation on why he wants to end CROW makes sense. I mean, the series is so popular that the editorial department doesn't want to end it. If I were the author, I want to end my work in my own means if necessary. I don't want to extend it for like, 10-20 years if the only thing it will do is to destroy the story. There are some titles that lasted for more than a decade while retaining its quality such as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure or One Piece but titles such as Dragon Ball, Bleach and *cough* Naruto *cough* showed us that making your manga run for over a decade is a really bad thing.

Now comes to the part of Team Fukuda in terms of ideals, what is the best thing to do, to end the manga in your own terms or in the terms of the editorial department? At the end, the opinion of the group is divided but there is one thing they can all agree on, they will stop Niizuma in ending his manga. This determination touched Niizuma as he decides to accept their challenge! The question is can Niizuma have his ideal ending or will the editorial department and their authors stop him?