Saturday 10 November 2012

Kyoryuu Sentai Zyuranger 36 – A Treasure Hunt

Also, more Lami in this episode.

A kid discovered a bottle that contained a treasure map, turns out that this map lead us to the location of the Mirror of Ruin and staring at it will cause someone's death! The Zyurangers must destroy the mirror or the map before it is too late while Bandora's Gang wants the map to destroy the DaiZyuJin and the Zyurangers!

Before talking about the actual episode, this episode is brought to us by Namegawa Island, best known for its aviary and why peacocks are great creatures. No seriously, according to MegaAnon's release post, this place exist and that this episode sort of acted like a promotion to this place... you know, for the kids to ask their parents for them to have a trip to this island!

Blatant advertising aside, the episode is quite fun to watch since after episodes of Lami not doing anything important as a high official in Bandora's Gang, she is back as the leader of the search for the treasure map! I say, I am quite impressed that she didn't lose her touch as an enemy commander and her leadership skills are quite impressive since during at one point of the episode, decided to let the kid do the search and they will just grab the mirror once he has it.

Along with her mission is Bukbak, Tottopat and the DoraGunrock, this episode's Dora Monster has one impressive skill, to attach a giant rock on someone that he or she can't remove and this rock can keep him or her in the ground until someone destroys the DoraGunrock. Since Dan, Goushi and Boi are out of commission thanks to the rocks; Geki and Mei are out to investigate about the kid's parents and learned why the kid is obsessed in wanting the treasure. He just wants his mother to go to Europe. There is nothing wrong with his motivation but the fact he is obsessed with money is something bad for a kid.

Even though the Zyurangers tried to stop the kid from opening the treasure after he finally discovered it, the kid learned its abilities thanks to accidentally opening it as it caused the destruction of two Golems and the DoraGunrock. At least the kid learned its dangers before taking a peek of the mirror! After the kid threw the mirror just to beat the DoraGunrock, Lami used this opportunity to take a hold of it and now that it is in her hands, she used it to fight the Zyurangers in giant form!

The giant battle is just fine in my opinion and the only thing I can note is how Grifforzer is being a supportive husband to Lami since he helped her just to give the Zyurangers lesser chances in destroying the mirror. At the end, they destroyed the mirror and the boy is safe. As for the Zyurangers, they used the opportunity to take a short break in the Island!