With the anime adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure first story arc, "Phantom Blood" ending next week, the character designs for the second story arc called "Battle Tendency" has surfaced online!
The featured character designs are: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Antonio Zepelli, Lisa Lisa and Rudolf von Stroheim. Though not prominently featured, head shots of the Three Pillar Men namely: Cars, ACDC and Wham are also featured along with Santana.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency anime begins this December 7.
Source: One Pixel Jump
The featured character designs are: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Antonio Zepelli, Lisa Lisa and Rudolf von Stroheim. Though not prominently featured, head shots of the Three Pillar Men namely: Cars, ACDC and Wham are also featured along with Santana.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency anime begins this December 7.
Source: One Pixel Jump